Class of 1960

Class Officers:
David Lee Vice President Bill Nygard
Sharon Saunders Treasurer  Ann Thiessen
Assistant Treasurer
Betty Herrington
Student Council Representatives
Joy Wagoner and Jack Lylis

Ann Marie Atwood
Gary Austin
George Bassett
Mary Boeker
Gary Brown
Pam Burch
John Carlsen
Tom Carroll
Arthur Center
Ed Christian
Charles Clark
Charles Cole
Joseph Conway
Glenn Davis
Lucille Dustin
Bill English
Bill Flynn
Dennis Ford
Carole Gleesen
Annie Green
Helen Greminger
Albert Heinen
Betty Herrington
Jean Hoffman
Pat Jeskie
Phil Jones
Jim Kazimes
Edward Kent
Christoper LaFlamme
Lucy Anne LeBarron
David Lee
John Lylis
Joyce McCarty
Richard McLenithan
Donna Moore
Priscilla Mullen

Bill Nygard
Bill O'Donnell
Richard Ogden
Sharon Saunders
Eileen Schneider
Dan Severson
Joan Stearns
Anne Thiessen
John Ublacker
Don Vitello
Joy Wagoner
Bob Wallace
John Walsh
Beverly Welling
Daniel Wilkie
Sharon Woodcock
Rose Wooddell
Helen Young

Click picture above for enlargement

45 Years Later

Present at the BBQ on Friday Night, August 5th
Back Row: (Left to Right) Chris LaFlamme, Bill English, Dick McLenithan, Dick Ogden, Bill O'Donnell, Ed Christian, Bob Wallace & Art Center
Sitting: Joyce (McCarty) Whelan, Carol (Gleeson) Horan, Priscilla (Mullen) Kelly,
Joan (Steans) LeBarron, Lucille (Dustin) Makrin and Jean (Hoffman) Hill

More pictures can be found on Scrapbook Page 10


1959  1961