"A Cat Story"

Living in Tennessee, I always had three and up to four cats around my farm. Moles in that area, were kept at a minimum, this being one of the main reason's.
This one female, calico, I called Teresa. She was small being the runt of the litter, and maybe that's my reason for picking her in the first place. Teresa was always friendly, always under foot, and usually jumped on my lap when I sat on the porch.
My mail box was a good 100 yards from the house. Usually when I went for the mail, I'd walk, rain or shine. I guess for the exercise? This one day, I started for the mail box, Teresa under foot as usual, so I thought to pick her up and carry her with me.
Well, she had a fit, and almost clawed me to death trying to get free from my arm's, and I let her, believe me!
When I got to the mail box, I  retrieved the mail and started for the house. Teresa jumped at my chest and grabbed on. I almost gave her a Karate chop being taken completely by surprise. Instantly recovering, I wrapped my arms her, and with the mail, started walking the 100 yards back to the house, Teresa  staying where she was. When we got back, Teresa nonchalantly, jumped out of my arms like she's done it a million times to the ground. I smiled and went in the house with the mail.
The next day going for the mail, I again tried to pick her up for the walk, Teresa wouldn't have any part of it? At the mail box, expecting it this time, Teresa again jumped in my arms for the walk back. I let her. From that day on, every day,either at the house or running out of the woods to join my walk, following behind or leading, Teresa would follow me to the mail box. There sometime, she would let me pick her up, or jump up for the walk back. Even in the rain, she would let me cover her with my rain coat for the walk back, but never on the walk to the mail box?? I loved it!!
I thought of maybe telling the local news paper about this making an interesting story. Even having someone take a video of something so unusual. I never did??
When I left Tennessee for good, I gave Teresa and my other two other cats to a good neighbor down the lane. Teresa and they have a good home.
I've been back to Tennessee many times, always going to see these neighbors and good friends.Teresa will have nothing to do with me, even clawing to get away my first visit when I tried to hold her??
I miss Tennessee, and needless to say, miss Teresa and our walks from the mail box to the house, but believe me, not from the house to the mail box!!
A.D. Class of "56"
This from Alex