Lucas Phlipsak
Class of 2006


Oakland, CA     EMAIL LUCAS

Marital Status Married
Spouse:  Janice
Children: None
College/Schools CCSF
Occupation: I listen to Joe Biden speeches and I drink "the spirits' and when I get all amped up I break into a dead sprint and when I do I just tackle the next person on the sidewalk wearing a hat as hard as I can and grab his hat and start running again and with the adrenaline pumping running away and everything is a great cardio workout that pays for itself in neat hats and life experience. And that's also how I'd like to protect social security for everyone, Joe. I appreciate your asking.
Past Residences:
Cambridge, Hoosick Falls, NY
Marysville, Yuba City, and Oakland, CA.
Past Jobs
Mental Health Technician, USAF
"Paper Jogger", Cambridge Pacific
Labor, Scott's Auto
Other Activities
Distance Running
Reading them books and such carrying ons

Favorite Teacher(s):

Mr. Salisbury, Mr. Lapitsky
Military Service US Air Force
I wrestled Salisbury one time and he threw me on a pile of books for a minute but I took him down eventually. It was more awesome then than it sounds now trust me.
Gonna name a kid Rhombus or Trapezoid someday and go to CCS drunk and mad and covered in grease with no shoes on and looking for a hundred bucks from somebody.


If the New York Jets don't get it together, I may as well get cirrhosis now.