Wayne W. Moseley
Class of 1961

Residence:         Baldwyn, Mississippi                      EMAIL WAYNE
Marital Status Widowed
Spouse:  Deborah
Children: 5
Grandkids: 6
College/Schools much -- always learning
Occupation: Data Base Manager (retired)
Past Residences: Arizona, Argentina, California, Mississippi
Past Jobs few and for long duration
Other Activities not enough room here

Favorite Teacher(s):

Ruth Weir, Olive Noteman, Ethyl Sherin, Frank Fressie
Memories: Abundant


'I have many good memories of my seven years at Cambridge Central, mostly classmates that I have not kept in contact with for these 48 years. Some, I see, have passed on to the other side of the veil and I lament not being able to see them again here.